I know it’s been a long time, but it’s been a crazy, crazy period in my life! Last Thanksgiving we made the decision to sell our house. Thus we found ourselves trying to have some semblance of Christmas while having the kitchen renovated and the house painted white. By January we were trying to celebrate New Year’s Day and the kids birthdays while showing the house, which sold in a weekend and left us one month to move out. Now we are all separated while we wait on the construction of our new house in Davenport, FL … just minutes from Disney, where my wife, Julie, and son, Cole, both have new jobs! In the meantime, I’m working my 25th year at the same architectural firm, and my daughters Lillian and Eleanor are each in their Junior year at Augusta University and GA College & State University at Milledgeville. Both are on Hope Scholarships, so I will be maintaining Georgia residency for another year or so.
Now that I’m finally settled into my temporary apartment, I have time to work on all the painting ideas that Ive been planning. I’m about to start posting artwork for my Zodiac series, but before I do that, I wanted to post this personal piece of art titled Resistance. Here’s the explanation from my website:
“The actual subject of this painting is deliberately nebulous, so that the viewer must make his own interpretation of the piece. In the obvious traditional sense, it can be viewed as the Holy Spirit helping us to resist temptation, no matter how beautiful and seductive it might be. Some others might view it as a resistance of either organized religion, or religious thought altogether. Some might be visually drawn to the complexity of the snake, and some to the simplicity of the dove. I associate it with my desire to resist my Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, but my tendency to resist healing and lose myself in the complications and knots of my comforting disorder. ”
In regards to the Zodiac, I’m almost finished with Libra, which I will post in the next week or so. I also have preliminary sketches for Gemini and Aquarius, the other air signs. However, I’m really stoked about my concept for Virgo, so she may come in the middle of the air signs. Until then, here’s a little snippet of the progress on the Libra painting. Enjoy!!